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Gas and coal, to name a couple.

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Q: Which resources are considered nonrenewable
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What are considered nonrenewable resources?

Oil and coal are among the most used nonrenewable resources.

What are considered nonrenewable?

Oil and coal are among the most used nonrenewable resources.

What are soil and trees considered as?

Soil and trees are considered as nonrenewable resources.

Why is nonrenewable energy considered as nonrenewable?

because once all the nonrenewable resources are finished/used up we wont be able to get them again

Are fossils renewable or nonrenewable resources?

Fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable as they are the product of living things that died in the distant past.

Which factor determines what resources are considered nonrenewable?

Whether they can be replaced as fast as they are used

What are the nonrenewable resources of Arizona?

what are the nonrenewable resources produced in the state of arizona

Are minerals that recycle extremely slowly nonrenewable resources or renewable resources?

Nonrenewable resources.

What will lead to depletion of nonrenewable resources?

Using them will lead to depletion of nonrenewable resources.

What are 3 nonrenewable resources?

3 nonrenewable resources are coal, oil, and gas.

What are Nonrenewable resources in the desert?

minerals and are nonrenewable .

Is oil a nonrenewable or a renewable resources?
