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Q: Which roman leader drove jews out of jerusalem?
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What year did the roman drive the israelites out of their homeland?

The Romans drove the Israelites out of their homeland in 135 CE.Answer:in the year 156ac Answer:The Romans drove the Jews out of Jerusalem in 135 CE. Answer:The Romans never drove all of the Jews out of Judea. While they killed and exiled millions of Jews and depopulated parts of the land, many more were permitted to remain, especially in the Galilee region.

Why did the Romans destroy Jerusalem?

The Romans destroyed Jerusalem because the Jews of Judea rebelled against their Roman masters.

Why did the Romans disperse Jews?

The Jews revolted against Rome in the year 68. Rome destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem while suppressing this revolt. The Jews revolted again in the year 132. Rome destroyed Jerusalem, killed at least half a million Jews, enslaved many, drove the remainder out of Judea, and renamed Judea Palestine.

What hastened the Diaspora?

They were hastened by the Roman sacking of Jerusalem, and the persecution of Jews in Spain.

The Romans forced the Jews to leave Jerusalem in 70 AD because?

The Jews rebelled against Roman rule in Palestine.

When did the Jewish revolt fails and the Romans forbid Jews to live in Jerusalem?

That was the Bar Kokhba revolt (132-136). The Jews revolted against the emperor Hadrian renaming Jerusalem with the Roman name of Aelia Capitolina rebuilding Jerusalem as a Roman town, building a Roman temple in the place of the destroyed Second Temple and forbidding circumcision. When they were defeated Hadrian persecuted Judaism and renamed Judea Syria Palaestina (after the Philistines) to erase the memory of Judea, as well forbidding the Jews from entering Jerusalem.

Did Jews and their roman conquerors live in harmony?

No. There were numerous revolts against Rome, including big ones in the years 68 and 132, when Jewish rebel forces drove Rome out of Jerusalem for several years. Rome responded by destroying the Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 and by destroying Jerusalem and attempting to wipe out Judaism after the second revolt. Putting down the Jewish revolts required close to the full might of the Roman Empire, including drawing legions from as far away as Germany.

Why did the Jews leave the Holy Land?

Jews were forced out by armed invaders. The Babylonians invaded, sacked Jerusalem, and forced Jews into exile. Some stayed in Babylon while others returned from exile. The Roman empire sacked Jerusalem and forced Jews into exile and slavery, and did not allow Jews to return to Jerusalem until the Islamic conquest, when some returned. The Crusaders slaughtered essentially all of the Jews of Jerusalem, driving many Jewish refugees from the Crusader kingdoms. After the Crusaders were defeated, some Jews returned.

What role did the Roman Empire play in the scattering of the Jews from the land of Palestine?

After a series of revolts, the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem.

What did the Romans do to Jesus?

They crucified him. They were told (by the Jews) that he was a leader of an anti-Roman rebellion. He was called "The King of Jews" - and in the Roman empire, kings were not allowed.

Did hadrian allow Jews to live in Jerusalem?

He expelled the Jews from Jerusalem, 1877 years ago.

When do Jews go to Jerusalem?

There is no rule about going to Jerusalem. Jews may visit whenever they want, for different reasons.