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Q: Which saints did the Pope canonize today?
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Did Pope Pius V canonize any saints?

Apparently, Pius V did not canonize any saints during his reign as pope.

Who did Saint Francis canonize and when?

First off, there are a number of saints named Francis. You need to be specific. Secondly, only the pope can canonize a saint. Saint Francis was not a pope.

Who was the saint who was canonized by the Japanese?

The Japanese can not canonize saints. Only the pope can do that. However, people from Japan can suggest people for canonization to their bishops.

Who chooses if the pope will be a saint?

A pope goes through the same canonization process as any candidate for sainthood. He gets no special consideration. Information about the man is gathered by the postulator of the cause. He organizes it, investigates any miracles, and presents the case to the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints. They then make a recommendation to the current pope to either canonize or not canonize the candidate.

Did St. Francis de Sales canonize a deaf man?

Francis de Sales was in no position to canonize anyone. Only the pope can canonize.

What are the sentences for canonize?

One never knows just whom the sitting pope will canonize next. It took a long time for enough support to grow to canonize Joan of Arc.

When did the sainthood process start?

In the early years of the Church local Christian communities would proclaim saints. However, there were abuses and several questionable or fictional individuals managed to become "saints." Beginning in the 11th century the power to canonize began to revert to Rome. In the 12th century the Pope declared that only he could proclaim saints. Today the process of investigating candidates for sainthood is carried out by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican. Based on their recommendation, the pope can then declare the individual to be a saint.

Who has the power to declare someone a saint?

Only the pope has the power today to declare saints but after years of study by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Who canonized St. Catherine of Alexandria?

St. Catherine of Alexandria was canonized by popular devotion rather than by an official process.

Did Pope John VI eliminate 200 saints?

No, Pope Paul VI dropped about 40 saints from the Calendar of Saints.

What pope canonized 480 saints?

Pope John Paul II canonized about 480 saints.

When was san lorenzo ruiz canonize as saint?

Lorenzo was canonized on October 18, 1987, by Pope John Paul II.