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Q: Which salt solution is more likely to be isotonic to the intracellular fluids of a potato?
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What would happen to your cell if a hypotonic solution is place directly into your blood stream?

Swell and possibly burst depending on how hypotonic the solution was and how much of it was injected. However the human body has evolved many simple and complex ways to deal with these situations and therefore a small amount of hypotonic solution will likely cause no effect to your cells.

What happens when a hypotonic solution is separated from a hypertonic solution by an osmotic membrane?

They diffuse into one another until the point where they reach equilibrium. This point, however cannot be predicted from what you gave nor is it any more likely to be in favor of the hypertonic, the hypotonic, or your idea of isotonic.

What is the equation that has a solution of X4.3?

X4.3 is not likely to be the solution of a normal equation.

What type of solution is most likely to form crystals as it cools?

A supersaturated solution is most likely to form crystals as it cools.

Will a person who doesn't get enough fluids suffer constipation?

Most likely, yes, as well as dry skin and other conditions that are related to lack of fluids.

What would happen in your body in a hypoosmotic state?

In a hypoosmotic state, such as one that occurs with water intoxication, edema is most likely to result as intracellular fluid increases.

A solution of sodium hydroxide in water most likely to have a pH close to?

A solution of sodium hydroxide in water most likely to have a pH close to 14

If a cell is dropped into a solution and the cell shrinks what should be assumed about the solution?

The solution is likely hypertonic and water is leaving the cell.

What fluids are MOST likely to transmits the AIDS virus from one person to another?

Semen and blood.