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Q: Which section of the country was held jointly by the US and Britain until 1846?
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Which section was held jointly by the US and Britain until 1846?


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The 13 colonies were founded and controlled by Great Britain until 1776.

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Britain is the country that used to rule Nigeria. This was until October 1, 1960 when it gained its independence from Britain.

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The U.S. declared independence from Britain inÊ1776. But America had no single leader during that time, and that Congress was simply supreme. The colonies did not separate from Britain as one country but as separate states until the ratification of the Constitution on June 21, 1788.

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One of the states formed from the Oregon Country is Oregon itself. Oregon was established as a state in 1859 as part of the Compromise of 1850, splitting from the larger Oregon Territory. The territory was initially jointly occupied by the United States and Britain until a boundary was established at the 49th parallel in the Oregon Treaty of 1846, paving the way for Oregon's statehood.

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1689 to 1694 jointly then William alone until 1702

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Hong Kong was originally a colony to the crown of Great Britain until 1997.

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First Greece did but later on in 1889 Britain conquered it until the mid 1950's.

What country established a colony in Hong Kong in the 1800?

Hong Kong was originally a colony to the crown of Great Britain until 1997.

What country was the US fighting during the American revolution?

Great Britain aka ENGLAND aka the USA'a mother Country We were fighting for independence from them during the late 1770s until the early 1780s.