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South-- the southern states seceded from the Union, while the northern states remained in the Union.

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Q: Which side was considered the rebel during the American civil war the south or north?
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The north

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Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri

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U.S. Grant W.T. Sherman

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Massachusetts was one of twenty-three states to side with the Union (North) in the American Civil War.

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The North, Georgia started the Great Locomotive Chase during the American Civil War.

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During the American Civil War, both the north and the south possessed manufacturing factories that could have been classified as "power mills". However, the North had a substantial amount more, and would become the major manufacturing center of the country.

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Contrabands were runaway slaves in the North.

What if the north won the civil war?

The north did win!______________________________________________________________The North did win the American Civil War - we live the results everyday .

Who was governor of North Carolina during most of the civil war?

Zebulon Vance served as North Carolina's governor during the Civil War.