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Q: Which signal word represents the most extreme level of hazard in the Hazard Communication Standard classifications?
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Which of the following is least affected if an extreme high outlier is added to your data mean median or standard deviation or ALL?

The median is least affected by an extreme outlier. Mean and standard deviation ARE affected by extreme outliers.

When computing Standard deviation should you eliminate the extreme values?

Generally not without further reason. Extreme values are often called outliers. Eliminating unusually high values will lower the standard deviation. You may want to calculate standard deviations with and without the extreme values to identify their impact on calculations. See related link for additional discussion.

What is a May-December relationship?

May represents summer and December represents winter. The term "May-December" represents joining of the extremes. The term is used when the pair in love relationship have extreme differences in terms of age, race, or region.

Where is yuma AZ in mt standard time zone?

On the extreme western edge of Arizona

What is a gross deviation from a standard of reasonable care?

extreme lack of attention to medical care

Score that is 15 above the means be an extreme score?

It depends entirely on the variance (or standard error).

What would -2 standard deviation below the mean be?

It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.It would mean that the result was 2 standard deviations above the mean. Depending on the distribution of the variable, it may be possible to attach a probability to this, or more extreme, observations.

What does oil represent?

Oil represents the physical remains of dead dinosaurs, after millions of years of chemical changes under extreme heat and pressure.

Does my PC need a wireless network card to work with Apple's Airport extreme or can I just use a standard network card?

Apple's Airport and Airport extreme are standard Wi-Fi network interfaces. You will need a Wi-Fi network card on a PC to connect to them. A standard Ethernet network card connects with Ethernet cabling and does not work with Wi-Fi.

Explain how each creature Beowulf battles represents an extreme and dangerous form of warrior values and behavior?

Grendel represents unbridled aggression and monstrous violence, symbolizing unchecked brutality and lack of moral code. Grendel's mother embodies vengeance and cunning, displaying the dangerous aspects of maternal protectiveness taken to an extreme. The dragon represents greed and hoarding, showcasing the destructive consequences of excessive desire for wealth and power. Each creature challenges Beowulf with a different aspect of warrior values taken to the extreme, highlighting the destructive nature of uncontrolled aggression, vengeance, and greed.

What is airport extreme?

Airport Extreme is Apple's standard for wireless networking. Original Airport was only compatible with Wireless "B" networking. 2nd Generation or Airport Extreme was compatible with Wireless "G" and "B". The newest rendition of Airport is still called Airport Extreme however it supports "B","G", and the newest "N".

What is extreme conflict?

Extreme conflict refers to a situation where disagreements or disputes become highly escalated, often leading to emotional, physical, or verbal aggression. This level of conflict can be harmful and disruptive to relationships, organizations, or communities. Resolving extreme conflict typically requires intervention, communication, and conflict management techniques.