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Ostara is actually the celebration, the Goddess being Eostre.

The most common symbolic associations are the egg, the hare, the lamb, and the crescent moon. You can also use anything you view as connected to fertility, the maiden/ young goddess, and spring.

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Q: Which signs should you place around a bonfire dedicated to Ostara goddess of spring?
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Who is the goddess of the world?

Another answer from our community:Christians believe there isn't one. A woman can not have super natural powers over the world because that role is played by God and only Him.

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The bonfire heats the air around it. The hot air rises. Other colder air on the ground level is drawn in or rushes in to replace the heated air that has risen. The colder air comes from around the bonfire including from behind you and you feel it as a draught or draft.

What is the spring holiday celebrated by Wiccans?

I believe that you are talking about Ostara, the vernal equinox. Ostara is a pagan festival and is believed to be the origin of Easter, the same way that Samhain was the origin of Halloween. Wiccans dedicate this festival to the goddess Eostre (Goddess of Fertility). Wiccans pull up flowers and dance around in a circle. They eat "vegetables, dairy foods, pumpkins, sprouts, and certain flower dishes". The special flowers/herbs that they use are "Daffodils, Jonquils, Woodruff, Violets, Gorse, Olives, Peonies, Irises, Narcissus, and various other spring flowers." They use special flower incenses, especially Jasmine, Rose, and Strawberry incense. Many Wiccans also start a Magickal herb garden, or they talk long walks as they reflect on the beauty of Mother Nature.

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she is goddess of arts and crafts, wisdom, and sometimes war when Ares isn't around.

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traded , like stones for metal , or metal for hide coats. or danced around a bonfire , or smoked some herb

What are the best fuels for a bonfire?

Wood, coal, any paper like material that you have around the house. Ex: Newspaper.

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How come oxygen around a bonfire doesn't catch on fire?

Oxygen itself is not flammable; it supports the combustion of flammable materials. Fire itself is a chemical reaction between oxygen and a flammable substance. In the case of a bonfire, it is between oxygen and wood. In other words, you need both fuel and oxygen.

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When was managed dedicated hosting established?

Managed dedicated hosting was established around 1997. Managed dedicated hosting is a is a well established option for those that do not want to worry about server management responsibilities.