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Voyager 1 in 1979.

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Q: Which spacecraft discovered the ring system of Jupiter?
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What space probe discovered jupiters ring?

The Voyager 1 spacecraft discovered Jupiter's ring.

Name a spacecraft which flew past Jupiter and discovered a ring?

voyager 1

Does Jupiter have ring how may what color are Jupiter's ring?

Jupiter has a faint ring system, but I'm not sure about the colors.

Does the planet Jupiter have rings?

Jupiter does have a feint ring system. It was discovered by the voyager space probes in the 70's, only seen whn looking back on the planet.

When were Jupiter's rings discovered?

Jupiter's ring first observed in 1979 by the Voyager 1 space probe

Which planet has ring round it?

Saturn has the most prominent ring system, however, Jupiter and Uranus also have a ring system but not as well defined. Neptune has a fragmented ring system, which means it isn't complete.

What is Jupiter ring made of?

Jupiter has a feint ring system, made from dust, small rocks and ice.

In the solar system which planet has rings around it?

Saturn is the planet in our solar system that is known for having prominent and extensive ring systems. These rings are made up of ice, dust, and rock particles.

What is Jupiter's faint ring system made of?


What planet is on the 5th ring of the solar system?


Does Jupiter have a ring?

Jupiter has a faint ring system comprised of three main rings: an inner torus, known as the halo, a relatively bright main ring, and an outer gossamer ring.You cannot see the rings of Jupiter with the naked Eye. They are too thin.Jupiter has a set of faint rings.

What about Jupiter?

Jupiter has a BIG red spot on it. Jupiter has a very, very dim ring system. Jupiter also has 16 moons.