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Hawaii, and on the mainland, Florida.

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Q: After Alaska which state has the most miles of shoreline?
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What is the shoreline length of each US state?

Michigan has 3288 miles of shoreline (Great Lake Shoreline), most of any state other than Alaska.

What state has the most shore line including lakes?

Alaska has over 3 million miles of shoreline including lakes.

What state has the most shoreline?

Alaska has the longest shoreline of any US state by far.

This state has more ocean shoreline than california due to its many coves?

The state that has the most miles of coastline is Alaska. It has 6,640 miles of coastline compared to California's 840 miles.

What state has the second most shoreline?

Alaska besides being the largest state, is surrounded by the Pacific ocean, the Bearing sea and the Arctic. It has many islands and they all count for shoreline.

What state in the lower 48 has the most shoreline?

MaineAnsweractually it's michigan ANSWERMinnesota has 90,000 miles of shorelineWell- the actual correct answer is Oklahoma-- It has more shoreling than the entire east coast and gulf coast combined.......Well, I'm not sure. It could be Maine, Michigan, Minnesota or Oklahoma. Michigan has a lot of lakes bordering it. Maine does border the Atlantic. But, that is coastline not shoreline. I don't know how many lakes Oklahoma has. Alaska has more lakes than MN. But, Minnesota has more than 10,000 lakes and it borders the second largest lake in the world, Lake Superior. So I say Minnesota too. It has more shoreline than California and Hawaii and Florida

What states in the US have a shoreline?

Alaska is the state with the most shoreline because it includes many islands and the state itself is enormous. Behind that would probably fall California and Florida.

What US state has the most miles of coastline?

Alaska Alaska is the largest U.S. state - it has the most coastline.

Does Maryland have the most shoreline?

While it has a lot we must respect Alaska's claim to that title because it has:6,640 miles of shoreline when measured from point to point.33,904 miles of shoreline if you include the numerous islands. And47,300 miles of estimated tidal shoreline if you measure islands, inlets and the shoreline to the head of tidal waters in its many rivers. Alaska is big. Consider for example that it has a common border with Canada that covers a distance of 1,538 miles and with an area of 586,412 square miles it is 47.25 times the size of Maryland. That's right, you can fit 47 Marylands into Alaska and still have some wiggle room.

What state in the continental us has the most shoreline?

Michigan, according to the local Coast Guard folks.

What state has the most square miles of wilderness?


What state has the most freshwater shore line?

With coastline on four Great Lakes, Michigan has the world's largest freshwater coastline. Miles of Coast: 3,224Michigan has the longest shoreline of the continuous 48 states, and is second only to Alaska in miles of total coastline. Michigan has the longest freshwater shoreline of any state. At 3,224 miles of shore Michigan has over 1,000 miles more Freshwater coastline than all the other states combined, and more freshwater coast than any state in the world. Michigan's coast includes over 3,224 miles of shoreline.