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New York.

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Q: Which state does not border the Mason-Dixon Line-Pennsylvania Maryland or New York?
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Why was Maryland a key to northern strategy?

Maryland was extremely close to DC if we had lost maryland, the north would have surely lost the war, also Maryland was a border state, a border state was a state that allowed slavery but did not secede from the union

Was Maryland an important border state?

yes it was

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Why was Maryland such an important border state during the civil war?

Maryland was an important border state because it surounded DC. If Maryland seeced DC would be surounded by southern states and Lincoln would have no chance.

What state do Pennsylvania and Maryland border?

Delaware and West Virginia

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Maryland and North Carlina

Union state that allowed slavery?

border state

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What state was bordered by a union state a border state and a confederate state?

The border state of Maryland was a central state in the US Civil War, and had the border state of Delaware on its east, the Union State of Pennsylvania to its north, and the Confederate state of Virginia to its south.

Which state is farther north Maryland or Montana?

Montana is on the Canadian border and is much farther north than Maryland.

Why was Lincoln worried about Maryland?

President Abraham Lincoln was worried about Maryland because it was a border state and he thought the state might succeed from the union. Kentucky, Missouri, and Delaware were also at risk because they were border states.