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Arizona is the US state with the most telescopes. The most famous telescope in AZ is the Large Binocular Telescope.

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Q: Which state has the most telescopes?
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Which us state has the most telescopes in the world A.Colorado B.Arizona and C. Washington?

Arizona is the US state with the most telescopes. The most famous telescope in AZ is the Large Binocular Telescope.

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What is the state with the largest collection of telescopes?


How are telescopes used in astronomy?

Telescopes are used to see things that are far away from earth. Using telescopes we can see things that are millions of miles away. Most of the telescopes are on Earth but some of them are in space such as the Hubble Space Telescope.

Where can one purchase spotting telescopes?

There are many places where one can purchase spotting telescopes. Spotting telescopes can be purchased from most retailers that specialize in telescope products. One may also use online retailers such as Amazon to purchase these telescopes.

Which layers of the Sun can be seen with some type of telescope?

The photosphere can be seen with visible-light telescopes, while the chromosphere is most easily observed with ultraviolet telescopes and the corona with X-ray telescopes.

What is better Reflecting or refracting telescopes?

The most serious astronomical research, such as that done by the Hubble Space Telescope, is done with reflecting telescopes.

What other kinds of radiation are detected by telescopes?

Researchers use all of these: -- optical telescopes -- radio telescopes -- x-ray telescopes -- infra-red telescopes -- ultraviolet telescopes

When multiple radio telescopes are used for interferometry resolving power is most improved by increasing?

Increasing the distance between the two most widely separated radio telescopes has an enormous effect on resolution.

The Hubble Space Telescope obtains higher-resolution images than most ground-based telescopes because it is?

Only because it gets no atmospheric interference, which most of the ground based telescopes do.

Can even the most powerful telescopes see through Venus' clouds?

Optical telescopes can't penetrate the clouds of Venus, but data have been collected from the surface and from the atmosphere below the clouds with radar, radio telescopes, and landing spacecraft.

How do astronomers abtain most of their information about space?

We use telescopes or satellites