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most efficiently gaseous matter is ideal.

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Q: Which state of matter is most ideal for transmission of forces?
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When molecule in matter are held very tightly together by forces between them the matter is?

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Matter would be in an inert state if nothing is operating within it.

What state of matter obeys Boyle's laws?

That is a law that applies to an ideal gas, and (as an approximation) to real gases as well.

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In the gaseous state of matter, the molecules of a substance are most free to move about as there is little attractive forces between the neighboring molecules.

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Energy is related to random and nonrandom states of matter in that all matter and energy tend toward a random state. Nonrandom energy can be directed to keep matter into a desired state, but will ultimately fail.

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It depends on the temperature of the particles.

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Which state of matter obeys Boyle's law?

The state of matter that obeys Boyle's Law is gas. This law states that "For a fixed amount of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional".

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It is a decrease.