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Q: Which state was Pearl harbor part of when the Japanese attacked it?
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In world war 2 Japanese attacked US in what state did they attacked?

They attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

What US state was attacked in World War 2?

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by the Japanese

What state was the Japanese bombing of pearl harbor in 1941?

Japan did not bomb any US state when they attacked Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, they attacked the US Pacific fleet which was there.

What State was attacked during Pearl Harbor?

Hawaii .

Who was the U.S. Secretary of State when Pearl Harbor was attacked?

Cordell Hull.

What State was Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese?

Hawaii. I think Oahu to be exact.

How long before Pearl Harbor was attacked was the four freedoms delivered?

FDR delivered the Four Freedoms speech as part of the 1941 State of the Union address on January 6, 1941. The Japanese attack on Pearl harbor was 11 months later on December 7, 1941.

What was the year of Pearl Harbor?

Japan attacked the US naval base of Pearl Harbor on 7th December 1941 - 'a day that will live in infamy', according to President Roosevelt. The attack brought America into the Second World War (Germany and Italy declared war on America a few days later).

In which state is Pearl Harbor located in?

Pearl Harbor is located in the state of Hawaii. Pearl Harbor is most famously known for the surprise attack that occurred on December 7, 1941 by Japanese planes. It is also a naval base that attracts many tourist.

Why did the Japanese attack us to cause Pearl Harbor?

Question is rather ambiguous. Pearl Harbor is a Naval base located in our 50th State Hawaii, not a cause. Please rephrase the question.

Why did the Japanese bomb pearl Harbor why not anywhere else?

Japan could not be most powerful if the United State's Navy ruled the sea, and Pearl Harbor was important, because it was in the middle of the sea.

What led the government to evacuate Japanese Americans?

when the Japanese attacked peral harbor, the United States declared war on Japan. As a security means, all Japanese American citizens were brought to holding camps in the Arizona state.