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Before the colonization period began, the people living in England were protestants. They were members of the Church of England.

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Q: Which statement regard to the religious beliefs of the people living in England before the colonization period began?
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Which statement is true with regard to the religious beliefs of the people living in England before the colonization period began?

The Puritans were upset because the Church of England had both Catholic and Protestant ceremonies and beliefs. A+

What were the religious beliefs of the people living in England before the colonization period began?

The Puritans were upset because the Church of England had both Catholic and Protestant ceremonies and beliefs. (A+)

Which statement is true with regard to the religious beliefs of the people living in England before colonization period began?

The people in England before the colonization period began practiced primarily Christianity, particularly Catholicism. Religion played a significant role in their daily lives and influenced social and political structures. The Church had great authority and power in England during this time.

What were religious beliefs in England?

Christian beliefs

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What is the religious statement clause?

The religious statement clause refers to a provision in legal documents or contracts where individuals can declare their religious beliefs or affirmations. This clause is often included to accommodate the diversity of religious beliefs and practices in society. It provides individuals with the opportunity to express their religious commitments or preferences.

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What do Quakers and puritan's have in common?

both faced religious prossecution from the church of England and they went to North America to escape the beliefs of the church of England.

What are puritans beliefs and goals?

they wanted religious freedom from the church of England