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Q: Which states are separate property states?
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There are community states and what other kind?

There are community property states and separate property states.

When does a land becomes a marital property?

When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.When it is acquired during marriage, especially in a community property state. Separate property states allow certain property to remain separate and not subject to division in a divorce.

Is Fla a community property state?

Joint property is also considered to be community property. Florida is not one of the nine joint property states in the United States.?æ

If a married woman is one of the grantees in a deed is the husband entitled to the property also?

The answer depends on the laws in the jurisdiction where the property is located. Married women can own separate property in their own right in separate property states.

Is Wyoming a separate property state?

Wyoming is a separate property state.Wyoming is a separate property state.Wyoming is a separate property state.Wyoming is a separate property state.

If you were married 8 years is the wife entitled to a job settlement you received?

You need to consult with an attorney who can review the details of your situation and the laws of your state and then explain your rights. The law may vary from state to state and in community property states versus separate property states.You need to consult with an attorney who can review the details of your situation and the laws of your state and then explain your rights. The law may vary from state to state and in community property states versus separate property states.You need to consult with an attorney who can review the details of your situation and the laws of your state and then explain your rights. The law may vary from state to state and in community property states versus separate property states.You need to consult with an attorney who can review the details of your situation and the laws of your state and then explain your rights. The law may vary from state to state and in community property states versus separate property states.

Is inherited property community property?

No. But the inheritance should always be kept separate and not co-mingled with marital property.

Is a cash inheritence community property?

No. An inheritance is separate property.No. An inheritance is separate property.No. An inheritance is separate property.No. An inheritance is separate property.

Can real estate be owned by one spouse?

That depends on the laws in your jurisdiction. Laws vary from separate property states to community property states. You should consult with an attorney who is familiar with the laws in your jurisdiction.

Does you spouse name have to be on a mortgage?

All the owners of the property must sign the mortgage so that the lender can take possession of the property in the case of a default. Property rights between married couples vary by state and vary between community property and separate property states. You need to check with an attorney in your jurisdiction.All the owners of the property must sign the mortgage so that the lender can take possession of the property in the case of a default. Property rights between married couples vary by state and vary between community property and separate property states. You need to check with an attorney in your jurisdiction.All the owners of the property must sign the mortgage so that the lender can take possession of the property in the case of a default. Property rights between married couples vary by state and vary between community property and separate property states. You need to check with an attorney in your jurisdiction.All the owners of the property must sign the mortgage so that the lender can take possession of the property in the case of a default. Property rights between married couples vary by state and vary between community property and separate property states. You need to check with an attorney in your jurisdiction.

Is community property or separate property better?

in massachuetts, is inherited property separate property or does ie revert to marital property upon marriage

What states are community property?

COMMUNITY PROPERTY STATES • Arizona • California • Idaho • Louisiana • Nevada • New Mexico • Texas • Washington • Wisconsin Alaska is an opt-in community property state; property is separate property unless both parties agree to make it community property through a community property agreement or a community property trust.