

Best Answer

In HTML 4:

area, base, basefont, br, col, frame, hr, img, input, isindex, link, meta, param

In XHTML 1.0 or HTML5:

area, base, br, col, hr, img, input, link, meta, param

In XHTML 1.0 Transitional we also have:

basefont, frame

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Q: Which tags do not need a separate tag for closing?
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What are two-sided tags?

A two-sided tag is one that has an opening tag and a closing tag, such as <a> and </a>. This is in contrast to other tags, like <br> and <img>, which do not need closing tags.

Closing tags are identified by the that precedes the tag name?


What is the general syntax for two sided HTML tags?

For two-sided HTML tags, the general syntax is the tag name, any attributes, the tags content, and then the closing tag. Like so:Tag ContentSome attributes are optional. Others are required. It depends entirely on which tag you're using.

What does forward slash mean in HTML?

It is used for closing tags and helps you distinguish it from an opening tag. For a lot of tags you need to know where their impact starts and ends, so you need opening and closing tags. If you wanted to bold one word in the middle of a sentence then you would start bolding at the beginning of it and end bolding at the end of the word. To differentiate the two tags, you need the forward slash, like this. This sentence contains one <b>word</b> that is bolded. Some tags don't have closing tags, like the br tag. It is now common to put in a slash at the end of those tags like this: <br/>

How are opening and closing tags different?

An opening tag is used to indicate the starting point of an action by a tag. The closing tag shows when to stop this action. The front slash is added to a tag, before the tagname, to indicate that it is a closing tag. What is between the tags is effectively selected for this action. To start bolding for example, we use <b> and to stop we use </b> as follows: This text is <b> bold </b> text. The word bold in the above sentence would be bolded, as that is what is enclosed by the opening and closing tags. The text outside of that is as normal.

Related questions

What are two-sided tags?

A two-sided tag is one that has an opening tag and a closing tag, such as <a> and </a>. This is in contrast to other tags, like <br> and <img>, which do not need closing tags.

What happens with tags that don't have a closing tag?

Tags that do not have a closing tag will probably not render. If it's somthing like the <html> tag or the <body> tag, the whole web page may not work.

Closing tags are identified by the that precedes the tag name?


Is meta tags having closing tags?

Meta tags do not have closing tags in HTML. The following is perfectly valid HTML: <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en"> When you get into XHTML, you'll need to close the tag but by definition meta tags are self-closing. So the correct way to close the meta tag would be by adding a forward slash just before the closing bracket, like so: <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en" />

What is the general syntax for two sided HTML tags?

For two-sided HTML tags, the general syntax is the tag name, any attributes, the tags content, and then the closing tag. Like so:Tag ContentSome attributes are optional. Others are required. It depends entirely on which tag you're using.

What does forward slash mean in HTML?

It is used for closing tags and helps you distinguish it from an opening tag. For a lot of tags you need to know where their impact starts and ends, so you need opening and closing tags. If you wanted to bold one word in the middle of a sentence then you would start bolding at the beginning of it and end bolding at the end of the word. To differentiate the two tags, you need the forward slash, like this. This sentence contains one <b>word</b> that is bolded. Some tags don't have closing tags, like the br tag. It is now common to put in a slash at the end of those tags like this: <br/>

Is Slash is used to create a closing tag?

Yes. <FORM> is the opening tag whereas </FORM> is the closing tag. This </TAG> to close tags is applicable for most tages. ex: <HTML> </HTML> <BODY> </BODY> etc...

How are opening and closing tags different?

An opening tag is used to indicate the starting point of an action by a tag. The closing tag shows when to stop this action. The front slash is added to a tag, before the tagname, to indicate that it is a closing tag. What is between the tags is effectively selected for this action. To start bolding for example, we use <b> and to stop we use </b> as follows: This text is <b> bold </b> text. The word bold in the above sentence would be bolded, as that is what is enclosed by the opening and closing tags. The text outside of that is as normal.

Which symbol is used for a closing tag in html?

The front slash is added to a tag, before the tagname, to indicate that it is a closing tag: <html> is an opening tag. </html> is a closing tag. <title> is an opening tag. </title> is a closing tag.

What is Unpaired tag in HTML?

A tag is said to be a paired tag if the text is placed between a tag and its companion tag. In paired tags, the first tag is referred to as Opening Tag and the second tag is referred to as Closing Tag.ExampleThis text is in italics. Note: Here is called opening tag. and is called closing tag.

Which tag contains the visual part of a web page?

Tags usually travel in pairs. An opening tag begins a section of page content, and a closing tag ends it. For example, to markup a section of text as a paragraph, you would open the paragraph with an opening paragraph tag and close it with a closing paragraph tag (closing tags always proceed the element with a /).

What HTML tags would be used to mark up a poem so it is centered?

The only tag you need is the tag to do the centring and a tag to end each line. After the last line you would have the closing center tag: There are other ways of doing it, but that is the simplest.