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A recent report from the group Healthy Babies Bright Futures found that 95 percent of baby foods tested contained one of the following toxic chemicals: lead, arsenic, Mercury, or cadmium. Out of the 168 foods tested, the chemical breakdowns are as follows: 94 percent contained lead, 73 percent contained arsenic, 75 percent contained cadmium, and 32 percent contained mercury. 1 in 4 of the foods contained all four heavy metals.

Although the toxins were found in small amounts, it is still concerning, as low levels build up over time and, according to the report, "can alter the developing brain and erode a child's IQ." Foods among the highest risk for neurotoxic harm were rice-based snacks as well as sweet potatoes and fruit juice. The study found that avoiding these foods could eliminate toxin exposure by up to 80 percent.

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Estell Hayes

Lvl 10
4y ago
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Wiki User

10y ago

Some of the many toxins that are commonly found in food are sodium nitrate that is found in processed meats and mercury that can be found in fish such as tuna. Some other toxins are artificial sweeteners and traces of arsenic that has been found in non organic chicken.

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Jadyn Langer

Lvl 2
4y ago

According to a recent recall. The Gerber company recently found a slight amount of Lead and Hydrogen Cyanide in the products being sent out to stores. Be careful these days what you feed to your kids.

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Lvl 2
4y ago

Rice is one of the best foods to feed babies. It is ideal for weaning because it is an easily digested starch, containing negligible amounts of gluten. However, in the United States of America, areas which were previously used to grow cotton, have been re-purposed as rice growing fields. This has been going on for almost thirty years. It was a bad idea to begin with because arsenic, which was known to be used extensively in the production of cotton, was also known to have a long half-life. So it is still present in the soils where rice is being grown. American rice tests positive for the presence of arsenic. As a result, the European Union has had a ban on the import of American rice for some years now. So, don't feed your baby American rice until the major agricultural companies concerned with this issue, move their rice production away from the old cotton fields.

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Lvl 6
4y ago

All of them.

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Lvl 3
4y ago

lead 95%

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