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Q: Which transformation best describes how a train moves along a track?
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What is usually the highest point on a roller coaster?

The top of the first hill. This is where the coaster has its greatest amount of potential energy which is converted to kinetic energy as it moves along the track.

Is pathway a noun?

Yes, the word 'pathway' is a noun, a word for a track or course used for walking form one place to another; the course along which something moves; a word for a thing.

Is track meet a noun?

Yes, you go to a track meet. Go is the verb and meet is the noun, track describes the kind of meet it is.

What best describes cars racing around a track?

fast and swift

When did track start?

When the Greeks started it along with the Olympics.

What words describes the painting Horse and Train?

Brilliant Inspirational Metaphoric Unique The painting depicts a horse running along a track while an oncoming train is drawing near it. It symbolizes a metaphor for our lives. Running along the tracks of life we all encounter the on-coming train of death.

What is Radar Lock?

It is when the radar system is able to continuously track a target as the target moves.

How can you track how far your cursor moves on the screen?

you just count per second and that's your answer

How can a roller coaster move along a track when it has no motor?


Examples of non uniform motion?

Anything that starts, stops, speeds up, slows down, turns around, turns a corner,moves along a curved track, or moves in a circle, is experiencing non-uniform motion.Uniform motion is motion in a straight line at a constant speed. It's doubtful thatit can ever be seen on earth.

Why are there brooms along the railroad track?

to clear dirt and snow from the switch

Do treadmills work?

yes they do but i recomend running along a track