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High-pressure, high temperature (HPHT)

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Q: Which treatment can remove some or all color from certain types of light brown diamonds?
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Which tretment can remove some or all color form certain types of light brown diamonds?

There is apparently a high-pressure, high heat process that can alter a brown diamond's colour. This treatment can 'heal' lattice defects that cause the brown colour. Note, however, that treated diamonds are less valuable that natural diamonds. A GIA certified gemologist will always be able to tell that a diamond has been treated.

How are brown diamonds produced?

Brown diamonds are the most common color of diamonds found in the gem-quality category. There are several theories as to why diamonds are coloured brown. According to its Wikipedia entry:"Several causes have been identified, including irradiation treatment, nickel impurities and lattice defects associated with plastic deformation; the latter is considered as the predominant cause, especially in pure diamonds."

Where are brown diamonds mined?

Australia produces brown diamonds from their mines.

How is a chocolate diamond created?

Naturally occurring chocolate diamonds (also known as brown diamonds) can are formed deep inside the earth and get the brown color due to irradiation treatment, nickel impurities and lattice defects associated with plastic deformation.

Are chocolate diamonds natural or manufactured?

'Chocolate diamonds' are named thus because this shade of brown diamond is the colour of chocolate. Some brown diamonds are natural diamonds; some brown diamonds are manufactured diamonds. A gemologist will help you determine the source of your brown diamond. Manufactured diamonds are always less expensive than natural diamonds with similar characteristics.

How rare are chocolate diamonds?

Brown diamonds are not rare, but diamonds are rare.

What do chocolate diamonds look like?

Faceted, finished brown diamonds are simply diamonds within that colour range. Chocolate diamonds are an intense brown colour.

What are brown diamonds?

Brown diamonds are the most common colour of diamonds mined, of gem-quality. Only about 20% of all diamonds mined are of gem quality.

Is chocolate diamonds man made?

Brown diamonds are the most common of coloured diamonds found. Chocolate is simply the name of one of the shades of natural brown diamonds. Lab-created diamonds are generally 'white' diamonds.

Where are chocolate diamonds mined in Africa?

'Chocolate diamonds' is a trade name for brown diamonds. Brown diamonds are the most common colour of gem-quality diamonds found everywhere on earth except Europe and Antarctica.

What makes diamonds chocolate?

Brown diamonds are the most common colour of gem-quality diamonds found.According to its Wikipedia page:"Several causes have been identified, including irradiation treatment, nickel impurities and lattice defects associated with plastic deformation; the latter are considered as the predominant cause, especially in pure diamonds."

Are chocolate diamonds brown in color?

Yes, every shade of brown that you can imagine is available in the different colours of brown diamonds, including chocolate.