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Q: Which two cells would be more genetically similar to each other?
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Which 2 cells would be more genetically similar to each other?

After Cell-Division these are called Daughter Cells.

If bacteria in a colony are unable to perform conjugation how would this hurt the colony's chance for survival?

The colony would have less genetic variation. The Bacteria in the colony would be too genetically similar

Which sheep would be most genetically similar to sheep D?

Sheep A

He bacteria in a colony are unable to perform transduction. How would this hurt the bacterial colony's chance for survival?

the bacteria would be more genetically similar.

What is the advantage of using mice in experiments that are not genetically similar to mice that are?

Using genetically similar mice will help have a constant result in the experiment. Using non-genetically similar mice will give you different results leading to a false answer. And if you looked up the same question as I then there is a part about cloning mice and why that would be better. It would be better because then you KNOW that you will get the same answer all around.

Why are human cells and animal cells similar to each other?

Human beings ARE animals. It is an idea that comes as an unpleasant surprise to many. The strange thing would be to find that human cells are not like the cells of other animals.

How would it hurt a bacterial colony's chance for survival if it were unable to perform conjugation?

The bacteria in the colony would be too genetically similar.

How many chromosomes does each cell contain after mitosis if the orginal cell had 52 orginal cell chromosomes?

Both daughter cells would have 52 chromosomes, and would be genetically identical to each other and the parent cell.

How do the cells produced during mitosis compare to the original parent cell?

The newly formed cells in mitosis are exact replicas of the mother cell. It takes meiosis to create a different cell.

How do cells resulting from meiosis genetically compare?

After meiosis, four daughter cells are created, with half the chromosomes of a normal cell in the body. Each daughter cell has the same chromosomes, but these chromosomes have different information on them, due to mixing up chromosomes.

Why would animal cells and plant cells be similar?

Because way back, they both had a common ancestor.

What are the goals for human genetic engineering?

First and foremost, there is currently no known research anywhere in the world with the purpose of growing genetically engineered humans. There are discussions about the benefits of such technology, as this would allow us to eradicate genetically inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis and haemophilia. Genetically engineered human embryos could be used for research to understand how and why defects occur during development of a baby in the womb. Theoretically, it could allow modifying most biological traits of the human body. Some people consider this an advantage, but across the world it is most commonly considered unacceptable and/or undesirable. Genetically engineered human cells (as opposed to entire humans) are already in use to treat severe genetic blood diseases. For this purpose, haemopoietic stem cells are taken from the patient's bone marrow. They are then genetically modified to correct the mutations that cause the blood disease. Finally, the patient's bone marrow is eradicated and the treated haemopoietic stem cells are injected. These stem cells then restore the bone marrow to a healthy state. Similar technologies are being developed to cure other organ-specific genetic defects.