

Which two elements are in sulphate?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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14y ago

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SO4 contains the elements sulphur and oxygen in the respective ratios of 1:4.

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Q: Which two elements are in sulphate?
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It is a compound because it has two or more elements (in this case 3) chemically bonded together in a fixed ratio and structure. It is composed of the elements magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen.

What elements are present in iron sulphate?

The chemical formula for Iron Sulphate is FeSO4 So, there is Iron, Sulphur and Oxygen present.

Why is iron sulphate a compound?

Iron sulphate is a compound because it contains more than one element (three in this instance) in fixed ratios by mass to one another. There are at least two kinds of iron sulphate, those of iron(II) and iron(III). These have the same mass ratio between sulfur and oxygen, but the ratios of these two elements to iron are different in these two compounds.

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How many elements are in sodium sulphate?

3; sodium, sulphur and oxygen.