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Locusts and gnats

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Q: Which two insects were used by god to plague Egypt?
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Does Moses send a plague Egypt?

No they were all ten of them sent by god on the land of Egypt.

What were the first nine plagues designed to do in Egypt?

Each of the nine plagues seems to target and overpower an Egyptian god to show that the Lord was the only true God. For example, when God darkness (plague nine) he proves his power over Egypt's chief deity Ra, the sun god.

How do you fix the plague in pocket god?

New plague

The ten plages?

The Ten Plagues or "The 10 Wonders of God" were 10 events taking place in Egypt in the book of Exodus from the Bible. According to the Bible the 10 plagues were caused by God as punishment to Egypt for not letting the enslaved Jews be set free. According to the book of Exodus Moses (A shepherd sent by God) asked the pharoah of Egypt to let God's people go. The pharoah refused. So God sent these 10 plagues upon the Egyptians and their land: the plague of Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Boils, Hail and fire, Locusts, total darkness, and the final plague: every firstborn son in Egypt was killed by the Angel of Death. After the last of these the Pharoah finally let the Jews who had been slaves under Egypt free.

Where does boccaccio think the plague came from?

he said that god was angry at them at he caused the plague

Did the 10 plagues affect God's people in Egypt?

Every one in Egypt was affected, as frogs were everywhere, Not only the ones god sent but also the ones the Egyptian magcians made to come on the land. magi

Is there a disease that can turn BLOOD into water?

There is no disease known to man that can turn blood into water. It's not possible. Why would you want to know such a question, anyway? God, the Almighty used his wondrous power to turn water into blood as a plague to Egypt's pharaoh's wickedness.

What event allowed the israelites to pass safely out of Egypt?

The Ten Plagues, sent by God (Exodus ch.7-12), softened up the Egyptians; and the last Plague left them reeling.

Did god start the plauge?

It depends on which plague.

The last Passover plague?

The last plague was when God smote the Egyptian firstborn.

What was the FIRST plague God sent to the Egyptians?

All the plagues were designed to discredit the pagan God's of Egypt.The first plague was the turning of the Nile into blood. This disgraced Egypt's Nile god 'Hapi', and destroyed the fish, some of which were worshiped and even mummified by the Egyptians. (Exodus 7:19-21)

Did God create insects?

Insects are an important part of many food chains, especially for birds. Some insects are mentioned in The Bible as being used to punish Man, presumably for his sins.