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Q: Which two of Harold's brothers died in the battle of Hastings?
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Did Harold hadrada have any brothers?

Yes, but King Harold and his two brothers died at the Battle of Hastings. Their names were MEDtostig.htmand NORgyrth.htm.

Was there anybody important that died in the battle of hastings apart from king Harold?

Both Harold's brothers, Leofwine and Earl Gryth, were killed

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Edward the Confessor died months before the Battle of Hastings.

How many people died in 1066 battle of Hastings?

The exact number of people that died from each troop in the Battle of Hastings is unknown. It is estimated that 7,000 to 12,000 Normans died and 5,000 to 13,000 English died during the battle.

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Harald Hardrada died at the battle of Stamford Bridge a few weeks before the battle of Hastings.

Why do you think Harold godwinson died?

He died died at the Battle of Hastings. Exactly how is uncertain.

Did William the Conqueror die in the Battle of Hastings?

No it was Harold who died

What did Harold godwinson do fter the Battle of Hastings?

he died so he didnt do anything after the battle.

How many men died in the battle of hastings on each side?

it was 19,623

What was William the Conqueror's death date?

1066 the battle of Hastings

How did King Edward died?

king edward the cofeser died in 1066 befor the battle of hastings happend

How many died in the battle of Hastings?

all men died not I don't now pls some won answer it