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Q: Which two ways in which photographing stars is better than simply looking through a telescope?
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Is reflector telescope better than refractor telescope?

That depends on what you are looking at. Reflectors are great for looking at galaxies close up and are usually cheaper. Refractors are better for seeing color in objects, however some brightness is lost as a result of the two-way mirror the light has to pass through.

What is the main advantage of the hubble space telescope?

The main advantage of the Hubble Space Telescope is in it's name. It's in space! With a ground based telescope, the light that the telescope is looking at must travel through our atmosphere where it can become distorted and manipulated. Looking through a telescope on a windy day is much worse than on a calm day for example. Also, in space there are no clouds or day time, so Hubble can be looking and doing research 24 hours every day.

How would you use telescope in a sentence?

He looked through the telescope and was able to see Venus better.

Why is a mountaintop the best place on earth to put a telescope?

Because It Is Very High And If You Look Through A Telescope There You Can See It Better.

What are the best things about astronomy?

The answer to this depends on whom you are talking to. For me, there is nothing better than going outside at night time and enjoying the pleasure of looking at stars and galaxies through he telescope.

How do you get abducted on The Sims?

You have to look through the telescope at night. I'm not sure but I think the better the telescope, the better chance you have of seeing aliens. Also, if you just want to see a person get abducted, go on the ready-made town Strangetown and make Vidcund look through the telescope. This only works if you have not played this family before.

What is better a yosco telescope or a Saxon Novo 705AZ3 Refractor Telescope?

The YOSCO - much better

Orbiting telescope works better than one on the ground because?

Because you do not have to look through air, or the atmosphere.

What is the largest telescope in India?

Better u ask who found that telescope

Why do you think the hubble telescope is better than a telescope on Earth?

it can see further.

What is an instrument that collects electromagnetic radiaition from the sky and concentrates it for better observation called?

Optical telescope or Radio telescope.It could also be an X-ray telescope, but only on a spacecraft, since not much X-ray signalsurvives the trip through the atmosphere.

What advantages does the hubble space telescope have?

It does not have the interference caused by the earth's atmosphere to see through, so it can make a better quality image.