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Q: Which type of angina occurs at rest and may be unresponsive to standard treatment?
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When angina pain usually occurs?

exertion and rest

Describe stable angina due to ischemia?

Stable angina occurs during exertion, can be quickly relieved by resting or taking nitroglycerine, and lasts from 3 to 20 minutes.

Who is more likely to have angina pectoris due to ischemia?

People with angina are at risk of having a heart attack.

Can you provide good advice on angina pectoris?

Angina -- or chest pain -- occurs because the heart is not receiving enough oxygen. The pain is usually in the chest and may also be felt in the shoulder, arm, or jaw. Not all chest pain is angina and it may be difficult to determine the cause of chest pain.

Describe unstable angina due to ischemia?

Unstable angina, which increases the risk of a heart attack, occurs more frequently, lasts longer, is more severe, and may cause discomfort during rest or light exertion.

Why does an exercise physiologist calculate pressure rate product?

Rate-pressure product is a good estimate of myocardial oxygen demand. RPP = Heart Rate X Systolic Blood Pressure. When using the RPP with patients with Coronary Artery Disease and with angina symptoms, it can indicate the oxygen demand at which Angina initially occurs (angina threshold).

What is a type a heart attack?

Angina pectoris (also known as angina). This occurs when bloodflow is restricted due to the narrowing of the main arteries of the heart. Important Note: If you suspect someone is having a heart attack, call for ambulance immediately. Hope this helped:-)

What is variant angina?

is chest pain or discomfort that occurs when the heart muscle is not getting enough oxygen-rich blood for a short period of time

Other then chest pain, what are other common angina symptoms?

Symptoms for angina other than chest pain include a sense of weight or pressure on the chest (often described as squeezing or fullness), shortness of breath, nausea, pain in the arms, neck, shoulders, back, or jaw (if it accompanies chest pain), fatigue, sweating, and dizziness. Unstable angina (angina that occurs for the first time, at unpredictable times, while at rest, is more severe than normal, or does not respond to angina medicine) is a medical emergency and might signal a heart attack - get to the emergency room immediately!

What is the medical term meaning agent against angina?

Angina pectoris is the medical term for chest pain or discomfort caused by coronary heart disease. It occurs when the heart muscle does not get as much blood as it needs. This usually happens because one or more arteries in the heart become narrowed or blocked, also known as ischemia.

How Can You Tell If You're Experiencing Angina Or a Heart Attack?

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a condition that develops when the arteries that supply blood to the heart are occluded by fatty plaques. The heart does not receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients to function properly. CAD's primary symptom is angina.CAD is the number one cause of death throughout the world. In the U.S. it's estimated that half of all men and one-third of all women past the age of 40 will develop CAD at some point in their lives.What Is Angina?Angina is chest pain that develops when the heart isn't receiving enough oxygen. There are two types of angina:Stable angina: Stable angina occurs with activity or stress when the heart is working harder than usual. Its symptoms generally abate when the activity that initiated the episode ends. Individuals who suffer from stable angina can generally predict which activities will bring it on, how long an episode will last, and how long it will take for medication to relieve symptoms.Unstable angina: As its name suggests, unstable angina follows no pattern. Unstable angina can occur with or without physical exertion, and often the pain associated with unstable angina is far more severe than the pain associated with stable angina. Unstable angina is a medical emergency: Individuals suffering from unstable angina need medical attention right away.How Can You Tell Angina From a Heart Attack?Angina is not the same thing as a myocardial infarction or heart attack although the two sets of symptoms resemble one another. A heart attack is a more serious manifestation of CAD that takes place when the heart is deprived of oxygen for so long, heart cells start to die. Episodes of angina, particularly unstable angina, increase the likelihood that a heart attack may occur.Like a heart attack, angina is experienced as pain or pressure in the chest. Sometimes the pain will be associated with other symptoms such as sweating and respiratory difficulties. An angina episode usually lasts between one and ten minutes and subsides with rest.The pain associated with a heart attack, on the other hand, lasts longer than 10 minutes and does not go away with rest.An individual with a history of angina should seek medical attention immediately if:Chest pain occurs without exertionChest pain is more severe than previous angina episodesChest pain is accompanied by weakness, syncope or nauseaChest pain lasts longer than 20 minutes and appears to be worseningThree nitroglycerine tablets do not relieve the pain

What causes Milk-alkali syndrome?

It usually occurs in the treatment of peptic ulcer