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Transform fault

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Q: Which type of boundary lacks volcanic activity but has a large amount of earthquakes?
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What area in the world has the greatest amount of earthquake and volcanic activity?


What are the properties of a geyser?

it is big and implodes with a certain amount of heat coming from volcanic activity.

Could the number of sunspots affect the amount of volcanic activity on earth?

Highly unlikely.

How many people die due to volcanic eruptions in an average year?

Volcanoes are unpredictable and the amount of volcanic activity each year will vary but some estimates suggest that approximately 700 to 850 people lose their lives each year due to volcanic activity.

What are Properties of water from a geyser?

it is big and implodes with a certain amount of heat coming from volcanic activity.

Why do tusnamis ocur in the pacific ocean and not the Atlantic ocean?

Tsunamis can occur in any large body of water. The main reason they are more common in the Pacific is because of the large amount of tectonic activity. Tsunamis are usually caused by either an underwater earthquake, or a near water volcanic eruption. Due to the amount of volcanos in the Pacific Ocean region and the tectonic activity (which causes earthquakes) there are many more tsunamis in the Pacific than in the Atlantic.

How are volcanoes and earthquakes the same?

Earthquakes and volcanoes can both make the ground shake. Both of these natural disasters also cause an extreme amount of damage. A volcano is different from an earthquake in the fact that they produce lava.

Do earthquakes form at conservative plate margins?

A conservative plate margin occurs when two plates move parallel to one another. Normally, one plate will be moving in the opposite direction to the other plate and this will very often cause a build up of friction. When one of these large build ups of friction is finally over come, the energy is released into the plate causing it to shudder.

Is a tsunami a type of weather?

No, tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or asteroid impacts, which then displace a massive amount of water, in the form of multiple tsunami waves. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and asteroids have nothing to do with the weather.

What process causes the earths crust to continuously formed by volcanic activity?

Pressure from the earths core

How are earthquake foci distribution relative to plate boundary?

Earthquakes are the planets way of relieving stress. Earthquakes can occur at all types of plate boundaries, however the larger earthquakes tend to occur at transform and convergent boundaries. At these plate boundaries, one plate gets pushed under or into (convergent) or past (transform) the other. As this happens the two plates can become locked in place due to friction. This causes deformation of the rockmass around the boundary as the plates continue trying to move. As the stress builds up and the amount of deformation increases, the amount of energy stored in the rocks also increases (this is a lot like a compressed spring). Ultimately the stress will get so large it will exceed the frictional resistance and shear strength of the rock at the plate boundary causing a sudden movement. This allows all the energy to escape in one go in the form of seismic waves causing an earthquake. As the majority of stress within the earth's lithosphere build up at plate boundaries this is also where the majority of earthquakes occur.

In the US how many earthquakes were reported measuring 4.0-4.9?

The amount of earthquakes would be 4.