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Q: Which type of cell has the primary function of making the skin water tight?
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The primary function of xylem in plants is to?

conduct water and minerals

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Primary function in the large intestine?

The primary job of the large intestine is to pass waste and to absorb water into the body.

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Because your vagina is either tight or he has a large penis which causes mild pain making your eyes water

Which organ has the primary function of absorbing moisture in the digestive tract?

The large intestine is in charge of absorbing water.

How can you show methods of water conservation using a model?

Water Conservation can be best displayed using a model of the water dam. The primary function of water dams is to conserve river water.

What is the primary function of a heated water bowl?

A heated water bowl is designed to prevent water in freezing over as it would in a normal water bowl. The devices come in various designs catering to different animals.

Is a dolphins butt water tight?

According to my understanding of oceanography, a dolphins butt is indeed water tight.

Do Cilia Cells Absorb Water?

The primary function of cilia is that of movement. They can be found on bacteria, microscopic organisms and even in the human digestive and reproductive systems.

What is the primary element in the air?

There are several primary elements in air. They are: = Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen(21%) , Helium, Argon, Neon, making up the other 1%. Other constituent of air, are water (vapour), carbon dioxide, These are compounds and not primary elements.

What is the function of the primary root?

The primary function of a root system is to provide some of the raw materials (namely minerals and water) that the plant needs for carrying out the process of photosynthesis. In the process of photosynthesis, plants make their food from minerals and water absorbed from the ground, and sunlight.

What are xylem and ploem?

Protoxylem is the first part of the primary vascular tissue in plants called xylem that matures. Its function is to transport water to the shoot in the early stages of the growth of the plant.Metaxylem is a part of primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem.