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Q: Which type of diversity is being lost as the population of rhinoceroses becomes very small?
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What do you think happens when an animal becomes extinct?

we lose the diversity of their DNA, but work is being done to restore and regrow extinct creatures in a lab.

What does it mean diversity?

Diversity is the state or quality of being different or varied.

How does sampling becomes random?

When each member of the population has the same probability of being selected as a member of the sample.

Why does genetic drift decrease the genetic diverstity of a population?

If I'm not mistaken genetic drift is the random change in the genome of a population over time. This being said it would be possible that this random changing could eventually remove certain diversity from a population.

How do you contribute to diversity of a college?

Being different

What best describes diversity in terms of natural selection?

Diversity is the number of different role players (species) in an area. I like to think of diversity in the form of niches. The number of niches being filled in an ecosystem is directly related to the diversity.

Is Perri luc KIELY being replaced in diversity?

No he isn't

What is North America Famous for?

for being a continent

What comes to your mind when you hear diversity?

The fact or quality of being diverse

What is the meaning for diversity?

the state or fact of being diverse; difference; unlikeness :]

What does the word diversity mean?

Diversity is the quality of being diverse. A group is more diverse the more different its members are. It is the opposite of homogeneity, the quality of being homogeneous. "The high school class showed remarkable diversity in its students' extracurricular interests."

Unity in diversity?

The phrase "unity in diversity" refers to a togetherness in being different and diverse. The phrase "diversity in unity" refers to being different, yet still united together.