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Q: Which type of generator uses in coal fired thermal powerplant?
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What is the example of thermal power plant?

A good example of a thermal power plant is run that is coal fired.

How does a coal fired power station produce electricity?

A coal fired station burns coal to produce heat. The heat boils water to produce high pressure and temperature steam. The steam expands in a turbine to rotate the shaft. The turbines rotation drives a generator. The generator produces electricity which is sent out to the consumers.

How much electricity does coal fired power plant produce?

A coal fired station burns coal to produce heat. The heat boils water to produce high pressure and temperature steam. The steam expands in a turbine to rotate the shaft. The turbines rotation drives a generator. The generator produces electricity which is sent out to the consumers. . I hope this helped, believe me i am a proffesional scientist

How does a coal-fired power plant work?

Coal is burnt to produce heat to make water boil. The steam drives a turbine which turns a generator to make electricity.

In a modern coal fired electric plant the mechanical energy of turbines is tranformed into electrical energy by?

A generator, which is driven by the turbine

What does the generator in a nuclear power plant do?

converts the rotation of the steam turbine shaft to electricity. same as in a coal fired plant.

How efficient are thermal power stations?

Coal fired plants about 40 percent, nuclear reactors (PWR) about 33 percent

Thermal efficiency in a coal fired power plant?

It can be up to 40 percent in modern plants, less in old ones

Why coal-fired power stations have been replaced by gas-fired ones?

Money and politics. Mostly its a joke - to make a real difference they need to be converted to geo-thermal.

What does a generator do in a power station?

A coal-fired power station works by burning coal to give off heat, which heats water and produces steam. The steam is then used to push generator turbines; which generate energy.

What actually produces the electricity in a nuclear power plant?

A conventional steam turbine driving a generator, no different to normal coal fired plants

What does a thermal power plant do that a coal power plant doesn't?

In a thermal power plant, the conversion of thermal heat into rotational energy is achieved. This can be achieved by using the thermal heat from burning coal or from burning oil or from burning gas or from steam generated by solar means (insolation). In a coal power plant the thermal heat obtained from burning coal is converted into rotational energy, which drives the generator and eventually, electrical power is generated.