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Q: Which type of play dough can light up an LED brighter the play-doh brand or the homemade play dough?
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What is homemade dough?

homemade dough is dough u make by hand

Can you eat clay dough?

You can eat homemade clay dough

What are Play-Doh's Nicknames?

Play-Doh's nicknames were Playdoh, Playdough, Play Doh, Play Dough, Play-Dough, Play*Doh, Play-Doh Modeling Compund

What is clay-dough?

"Play-doh" is a brand of child's modeling clay. "Clay-dough" often refers to the homemade version of that...usually made from flour, salt, cream of tartar, water, and food coloring. Quite fun!

What is Playdoh made out of?

Play dough is simply made of wheat, mineral oil, salt, a drying agent such as borax, agents, perfume and colourants.

How does a homemade cookie taste?

it all depends on the dough + kind +ingredients

What is a good attention getter for a demonstration speech on homemade play dough?

none. play dough is its own attenton graber

What is cheaper buying cookies already baked or buying homemade cookies?

The cost difference would depend entirely on the brand of cookie or refrigerated cookie dough, available sales, coupons and other factors.

What can you use soy flour for the homemade dough ornaments?

ya if you are allergic or if you do not have anything then you can substitute it

What is 'masa para empanadas caseras' when translated from Spanish to English?

"Dough for homemade pies" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase masa para empanadas caseras. The feminine phrase also translates as "dough for homemade pasties" or "dough for homemade turnovers" according to English contexts. The pronunciation will be "MA-sa PA-ra EM-pa-NA-tha-ska-SEY-ras" in Uruguayan Spanish.

What can you use instead of flour in play dough?

Commercially made "Playdoh" can be substituted with home made play dough. One needs to be careful to use a recipe that will not mold or spoil. Some formulas include alum or other unpleasant flavoring to discourage children from eating the dough. Hear is one link to a basic play dough recipe:

Does homemade brown soda cake contain yeast?

No. It will only contain yeast if you specifically add it to the dough.