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decimal tab

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Q: Which type of tab is used to align numbers displayed in currency format?
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What is a specific way Excel displays numbers in a cell?

Excel has many formats for numbers. The can be displayed with decimal points or as percentages or in Scientific notation or in currency and in a few other formats. They can have comma separation, so you could have 1,000,000 instead of 1000000. You can also format negative numbers to be displayed with a minus sign or in red. You can also set up custom formats for your numbers.

What is the difference between currency style in Excel comma style and accounting style in excel?

Accounting format align all the currency symbols at the left edge of the cell while Currency format align all the currency symbols them next to the number. Accounting shows a dash for zero value, Currency shows an actual zero. The actual difference is Currency has: #,##0.00_);(#,##0.00) Accounting has: _(* #,##0.00_);_(* (#,##0.00);_(* "-"??_);_(@_) ; SANJAY KISHORE

What effect does the accountng number format have on the selected cells?

The accounting format sets the figures into currency and sets their alignment in a standard way so that the currency symbol is always positioned in the same place as it is in all values. Currency format always puts the currency symbol right beside the numbers, so they are not always in the same position in relation to the other figures.

How do you fix the dollar sign to the left of the column every time you enter an amount in excel?

I do not understand the question, but if you are asking, how to put a dollar sign in a cell and have it always align to the left side of the cell, then you format the cell as accounting instead of currency.

How do you align in HTML?

Align is an attribute included in the HTML format. You can align the position to be right, left or center.

What type of column will automatically right align the data when displayed?


By default where does the Excel aligns values?

Text will align to the left and numbers and dates align to the right.

How do you move text to right side?

Format the cell to align right.

What button do you click in the alignment group of the home tab to center cells vertically between the top and bottom cell boundaries?

The alignment group buttons only align horizontally. If you want to align vertically, select cell format and format the cell.

How does Excel align all numbers?

Numbers are aligned to the right, unless you apply other formatting.

What are the different categories of data in Microsoft Excel?

There are lots of data types in Excel. For example: Number, Text, Date, Time, Logical. You can take Number in a broad sense or you can think of numbers in terms different data types like Percentage, Scientific Notation, Currency and others.

What effect does the Accounting Number Format have on selected cells?

causes cells with two decimal places to align vertically correctly