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Nothing nutritional is lost from a vegetable when you wash it, whether or not it is peeled. All washing does is rinse loose, external particles such as dirt off the surface of the vegetable. All vitamins are contained within the cells of the vegetable. Unless you have the technology to rinse or clean out every individual cell of the plant, it is impossible to "rinse away" vitamins. However, there are vitamins contained in the peel of some vegetables that will be lost when you remove the skin. Even still, washing it has NOTHING to do with vitamin loss.

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Q: Which vitamin is lost when peeled vegetables are washed?
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Because vitamin C is one of the water soluble ones along with most of the B vitamins. Since they dissolve in water and our urine is mostly water, when we go to the bathroom we pee some of it out. That's why we have to replace both B & C vitamins everyday with as healthy diet that include lots of fresh vegetable and fruits.

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How do nutrients get lost during the process of cooking and preparation show can you prevent then?

Some minerals and vitamin A are also lost during cooking, although to a lesser extent. Fat-soluble vitamins D, E and K are mostly unaffected by cooking. Boiling results in the greatest loss of nutrients, while other cooking methods more effectively preserve the nutrient content of food.Steaming and boiling caused a 22 percent to 34 percent loss of vitamin C. Microwaved and pressure-cooked vegetables retained 90 percent of their vitamin C. The bottom line is that no one cooking or preparation method is superior for preserving 100 percent of the nutrients in a vegetable.Vitamin C is a water-soluble and temperature-sensitive vitamin, so is easily degraded during cooking, and elevated temperatures and long cooking times have been found to cause particularly severe losses of vitamin C

Is the vitamen C lost when you make fruit into jam?

Yes Vitamin C is lost whenever a food is heated, exposed to oxygen, or has an increase in pH.

What is added to milk to fortify it?

Milk is fortified with vitamin D for calcification and metabolism of bones and teeth. Vitamin A which naturally occurs in milk but is lost in the processing of milk is also added. Vitamin a helps with vision, skin, and the immune system.