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There is not an Aryan religion. The term use to indicate to the speakers of indo-European languages, but it is no longer used due to the way it was used by Nazisms. Among Hindu nationalists, it is used to indicate the Hindu Indians. In Old Iranian Ayra meant Iranian, ayria meant Iranian languages and Arya meant land of the Ayrans

There was a the name Arian (not aryan) which was connected to religion. It referred to Arian Christianity. This was a dissident Christian doctrine in early Christianity which was quite popular in the Roman Empire. It was named after Arius, a presbyter in Alexandria of Egypt of Libyan origin who formulated its theology. He was opposed to the trinitarian theology and believed that God the Father always existed, existed before the Son of God (Jesus) and created the Son of God who was of a different substance, a different being and subordinated to God the Father. Trinitarianism, instead, believed in consubstantiality; that is, God the Father and the Son of God were of the same substance, one being. The Son was "generated" (born or begotten) "before all ages" or "eternally" of the Father's own being.

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