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The First Barbary War

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Q: Which was the first declared war under the US Constitution?
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Who was the president that declared war on Britain?

No president has declared war on Britain. As a colony, the US fought for independence, but the government under the constitution was after that. In any case, Congress is the branch that declares war, and they have not done so.

Pericles declared war?

Under the leadership of Sparta they declared war on Athens

Who declared war first then who followed after?

Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia.

First time Congress declared war was for which war Last time Congress declared war was for what war?

First was the war of 1812, last was WW2.

Who declared war?

According to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the power to declare war. But the President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Why did George Washington be the 1st president?

He a the general of a war and everyone voted him to become president because his bravery in the war. P.S. He was the first president under the constitution the, The adams family was the first, basically there was 16 president before him but he was the first under the constitution like i said before.

What country declared war first in 1914?

Austria-Hungary, declared war on Serbia

Was the US Civil War declared under the US Constitution terms?

No, it couldn't be. That meant that the US was declaring war against itself!

What does the Iraq War have to do with the Constitution?

The Iraq War has nothing to do with the United States Constitution. The war was not declared in defense of the Constitution, to help the Constitution, or to promote any vision of the Constitution. However, there is a debate as to whether the Iraq War is a legal War by the American Definition because there was no formal Declaration of War by Congress, which is required by the Constitution and subsequent Laws of the United States.

What were the first actions taken by the us once war was declared?

Once the war was declared the first action by the United States was to deploy its military.

Who declared war on US first?

England - just after US declared an independence.

President that declared war on Germany?

The US Constitution provides that the congress shall declare war. The congress declared war on Germany when Woodrow Wilson was president in 1917 and when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was president in 1941.