

Which water soluble vitamin assist with fat mtabolism?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Biotin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12.

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Q: Which water soluble vitamin assist with fat mtabolism?
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No. Fat soluble is the same as oil soluble. You cannot have a substance that can be diluted by both oil and water.

What is an example of a water-soluble vitamin?

A B and C are water soluble. D and E fat soluble.

Not a fat soluble vitamin?

If it is not fat soluble, it must be water soluble. Vitamin C and the B group vitamins are water soluble.

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Lots of Vitamin A and C...Fat soluble vitamin and a water soluble vitamin.

Why can your body store a fat-soluble vitamins but not water-soluble vitamins?

Your body can store a fat soluble vitamin but not a water soluble vitamin because they are not easily excreted out of the body as water soluble vitamins are.

Is zinc a fat soluble or a water soluble?

Water soluble. An easy way to remember the fat soluble vitamins is the letters K-E-D-A Vitamin K Vitamin E Vitamin D Vitamin A The above four vitamins are fat soluble, and the remainder are water soluble.

Is vitamin A water-soluble or fat-soluble?

No, it is not. No, vitamin D is one of the oil-soluble vitamins, and it is not water soluble. The two forms [of several others having or potentially having vitamin D activity] that are normally found in mammals are vitamin D2 - ergocalciferol - and vitamin D3 - cholecalciferol. These compounds may be regarded as steroids in which the B ring has been ruptured. Steroids are formed from Cholesterols that are most definitely H2O non-soluble.

Which vitamins are water soluble?

Vitamin B and C are soluble in water. Vitamin A,D,E and K are soluble in fat.

Is vitamin A a water sulable vitamin?

no, fat soluble

Is vitamin k a fat-soluble or a water soluble?
