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Prefix. [Latin præfigo; præ, before + figo, to fix]

The root word is fix, the prefix is pre-

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Q: Which word comes from a word consisting of a root word and a prefix?
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Is entrust a prefix?

The word entrust is not a prefix, although it does include the prefix en. Remember, a prefix is just a part of a word, that comes in front of the rest of the word. Compare this to a suffix, which comes at the end of the word. The root is in the center. Trust is the root, en is the prefix, entrust is a word.

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The root word of "decathlon" is "deca," which is a Greek prefix meaning ten. The word "decathlon" refers to an athletic competition consisting of ten different events.

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Yes, "com-" is a root word that means together or with. In the word "incomplete," the prefix "in-" actually comes from Latin and means not.

What root word and prefix combine to form the word ancestor?

The root word in "ancestor" is "ancestor" from the Latin word "ancestor." There is no prefix combined with the root in this term.

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How can you find the prefix of a word?

The prefix of a word is the beginning part of the word. To find the prefix, identify the letters at the start of the word before the root or base word. It is the part that comes before the root word and can often give insight into the meaning of the word.

What is the definition of the prefix sect?

The prefix sect means 'cut'. It comes from a Greek and Latin root word.

What is the prefix of question?

The prefix of "question" is "ques-". It is the part of the word that comes before the root, which in this case is "tion".

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The root word of sublimation is "sublimate," which comes from the Latin word "sublimare," meaning to raise or elevate.

What is the root word of interject?

There is no root.Another thought:Believe it or not, there is a root word in interject: ject. This root word means to throw. The prefix is inter- which means between.