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Q: Which word is used most in the quran?
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Most used word in Holy Quran?

Bis mil lah ir rahman irrahim

Where ayaan word is usedin the holy quran?

in surate rehman ayaan word is used in the holy quran

Which English word is used in the holy Quran?

None !! All the holy Quran is in Arabic.

How many times the word zikr is used in holy Quran?

The word Zikr was mentioned in the holy quran 269 times!

How many times the word Muslemin is used in Quran?

6 word

Which one English word is used in the Quran?

The Entire Holy Quran is purely Arabic, it has no single non-Arabian word nor a letter.

What is a person who knows the quran by heart?

A person who knows the Quran by heart is referred to as a "Hafiz" in Arabic. This term is used to describe someone who has memorized the entire Quran word for word and can recite it from memory.

Where word Ir-ha is used in the Holy Quran?

surah Al-Alaq

Which is the most believed holy book?

The believers of the Bible (Book of Chirstans) are on top & Quran (Book of Muslims) is on the second but Quran is the most readed, acted upon & researched book in the history of man kind. You can go to to see the researches on Quran. Many Muslims memorize it word to word & are called HAFIZ. I've also memorized it word to word & there are hundreds of thousands more.

How many times noor word in quran?

word noor in quran 23 later

What does tarteel mean is Islam?

Tarteel is an Arabic word which has a wide meaning. In Islam the word is used to refer to the proper method of reciting the Quran. The Quran should be recited with a slow rythmic tone (tarteel). All the letters are to be pronounced cleary using the relevant rules of tajweed. Muslim scholars say that this will help the reciter to understand the Quran. The term tarteel is used in Surah Muzammil in the Quran.

How many times the word Allahu Akbar repeated in Quran?

There is NO "Allahu Akbar" word in Quran