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Yes, the reversing vehicle must always give way.

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Q: While reversing into a space facing the oncoming traffic and a car is coming the other way and over the white line am i at fault?
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When placing or removing traffic control equipment on a roadway you is it right to walk facing oncoming traffic even if it means walking backwards?


When there is no sidewalk provided on a road a pedestrian must walk?

must walk facing oncoming traffic

How many feet should you dim your lights when approacing a car?

I have been i situation in the Australian outback where you can be approaching a car for nearly an hour traveling at over 120 kmh and their high beam is already irritating. so I turn mine down when ever I see on coming traffic. and normally they do the same for me. So the right time to turn down your high beam is when you are facing oncoming traffic. any time you are blinded by oncoming traffic just flash your high beams and in the majority of cases the oncoming car will dip his lights.

When walking near a roadway you should walk where?

Highway code says you should walk as near to the side as possible, facing oncoming traffic. If there is a pavement or path, walk on that.

If you are walking on a road with no sidewalks which side should you walk on?

Always walk facing the oncoming traffic. In North America, you would walk on the left-hand side of the road. This allows you to better see oncoming cars and step aside out of their way if necessary. It also makes it more likely that an oncoming driver will see you, as you will be directly in his/her headlights.

If you are walking on a road with no sidewalks should you walk on the left side facing the traffic coming toward you?

No. Walk on the right side going the same direction as the traffic.

Which side of the high way do you walk on left or right?

You Should walk on the left hand side of the road,it's more safer that way

What is an unprotected left turn?

It is a left turn where the turning driver must yield to oncoming traffic entering a cross-streets intersection because there is no left left turn signal facing that left-turning driver during which a red light stops oncoming traffic to protect the left turning vehicle. This holds in keep-to-the-right countries. For keep-to-left countries, there are, sometimes, protected right turns.

What side should you walk on a sidewalk?

(in the US) even if not posted, the generally understood(even if unwritten) rule applies in most things - slower traffic (i.e.: pedestrians) keep right - faster traffic (i.e.: bikes) pass on the left.

Which way should you turn your wheels when parking facing uphill where there is not a curb?

Towars the side that there would normally be a curve, or the side where no traffic is coming through.

What problems are cities facing because of cars and traffic?

Cities are facing problems such as polution and debre.

If there is no sidewalk what should a pedestrian do?

Walk towards the traffic a safe distance from the traffic facing you. It is the safest according to the DMV