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If you hit a car from behind, you are going to be held to be at fault. If a car hits you from behind, they are going to be held at fault. Most jurisdictions consider hitting the back of a car prima facia evidence that you were following too closely. You could literally have six cars At Fault in this case, each one for hitting the one in front of it.

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Q: Who's at fault if there's a 7 car pile up on freeway due to someone changing tire in the left lane you were last car and hit car in front of you but they hit car in front of them first?
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Without knowing all the details it is impossible to say.Generally, if you hit anything that is stationary you are at fault.

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Your insurance will usually only go up if it is determined that an accident was your fault. If someone hit your car when you weren't there, then most likely, you couldn't avoid it and it wasn't your fault. Unless you parked it in the middle of a freeway or something like that.

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HELL no. What is wrong with you? Not only is it insanely illegal but it is extremely dangerous. Remember that you're not the only person on the road. Don't be a selfish person. If you don't get yourself killed you'll probably get someone else injured or killed and yes you'd definitely be at fault for BACKING UP on the freeway.

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Generally it's the person who hits from behind.

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Need more details about the incident, such as whether or not you drifted into another lane, and whether you were bumped by someone changing lanes, someone turning behind you, someone already in the lane you were turning into, etc.

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Theres a fault running right through Summerville, the major earthquake in 1886 that almost flattened Charleston was centered in the Summerville Fault.