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I'm guessing you mean religious holidays in this case.

These are all of the one's I can think of( I think these are not specific to one area in spain):

  • Immaculate conception - 8th of December. This is pretty self-explanatory: it's where we celebrate the immaculate conception (or inmaculada concepción) of Mary.
  • Nochebuena - 25th of December. The kids get a small gift on Christmas eve but it's not a really be commercial thing there.
  • Day of Three Kings - 6th of January. This is basically Christmas, in which children will stick socks outside their houses for the kings to put presents in... only if they've been good that is!
  • Semana santa holy week - March/April. This celebrates Easter and is a very religious time for many Spanish people. I can almost guarantee that there will be a precession going on in most towns/cities/villages. The precessions can last from palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
  • San Juan - 24th of June. This is where they we celebrate the baptism of Saint John the Baptist. In coastal towns, there are often bonfires that last all the night. It's a very noisy time I can tell you. :D
  • Corpus Christi - June. In big cities there's processions and feasts.
  • Asuncion - 15th of August. It celebrates Mary's body being taken to heaven after she died. It involves a big feast.
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12y ago

Most of the christian religions celebrate Christmas in Spain.

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13y ago

Yes Christianity is very strong in Spain.

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