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Joseph L. Svirbely, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, and Charles Glen King

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Q: Who Discovered the structure and importance of vitamin C?
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Can a substance be both a fat-soluble and a water soluble?

No. Fat soluble is the same as oil soluble. You cannot have a substance that can be diluted by both oil and water.

What is a cool name for a science fair project on vitamin c levels in an orange?


Which vitamin dissolves in water?

I don't know what are you talking about man. If you want answer then gi ti your house and start crying to your moomy and study hard, you ugly, piece of trash that don't like to study.

What is torrence?

2614 Torrence is an asteroid that was discovered by C. Shoemaker. In addition, the discovery was made on June 11, 1980.

How would you do a science project with brown bananas and vitanim C?

Science Fair Survival GuideJoin now and get it free!Buy this book »Very poorPoorGoodVery goodExcellentbased on 17 ratings Source: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Author: Janice VanCleaveTopics Middle School, Chemistrybrown banana So You Want to Do a Project about Oxidation!Let's ExplorePurposeTo determine if vitamin C can inhibit oxidation. Materialsbananadinner knife2 saucers2 sheets of white copy paperpen3 vitamin C tablets (IOO-mg work well)cutting boardrolling pintimerProcedurePeel the banana, and then slice it into eight pleces.Place four slices of banana in each saucer.Set each saucer on a sheet of paper. Label one of the papers ''Without Vitamin C." Label the other paper ''With Vitamin C."Place the vitamin C tablets on the cutting board and crush them with the rolling pin.Use the dinner knife to scoop up the vitamin C powder and sprinkle the powder over the cut surface of the banana slices in the With Vitamin C saucer.Every 15 minutes for 2 hours or more, observe the color of each sample's surface. Record your observation in an Oxidation Data table like the one shown.ResultsThe untreated banana slices slowly turn brown, but those covered with vitamin Care unchanged. Why?Bananas discolor when bruised or peeled and exposed to air. This discoloration is caused by changes that occur when the cells are broken. The chemicals released by the damaged cells areoxidized (combined with oxygen), resulting in changes in the fruit. This process of change due to a combination with oxygen is called oxidation. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, a substance that inhibits (decreases or stops) oxidation. Covering the surface of the banana with Vitamin C inhibits the discoloration caused by oxidation. For Further InvestigationLemons contain vitamin C. Would lemon juice stop the bananas from turning brown? A project question might be, How effective is lemon juice as an antioxidant? Clues for your InvestigationRepeat the investigation, adding a third test set of banana slices. Label the paper under the saucer ''With Lemon Juice."Use lemon juice squeezed from a fresh lemon.Photographs of the banana slices at the start, periodically during the test, and at the end of the test can be displayed to represent the progression of any changes. The photographs also help to compare the effectiveness of the antioxidants.References and Project BooksChurch, Jok. You Can with Beakman: Science Stuff You Can Do. Kansas City, Kans.: Andrews & McMeel, 1993. Kenda, Margaret, and Phyllis S. Williams. Science Wizardry for Kids. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron's, 1992.Strauss, Michael. Where Puddles Go. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1995.VanCleave, Janice.]anice VanCleave's Chemistry for Every Kid. New York: Wiley, 1989.Wollard, Kathy. How Come? New York: Workman, 1993.This article is brought to you by:

Related questions

When was vitamin c discovered?

Vitamin C was discovered by a Scottish naval surgeon James Lind discovered that a nutrient (now known to be vitamin C) in citrus foods prevented scurvy in 1747.

What is the medicinal importance of mango?

Vitamin C

Was the first vitamin to be discovered scientifically?

Thiamine, or vitamin B1, was the first Vitamin to be discovered scientifically, though Vitamin C, and D were also found early on.

Structure of ascorbic acid?

Vitamin C

What does the c in vitamin c stand for?

The C in Vitamin C came from the name of the person who first discovered it: CharlieVitamin C is also known as L-ascorbic acid or L-ascorbate...The person responsibile for identifying vitamin C wasAlbert Szent-Györgyi, so vitamin C did not come from his name.

Does vitamin C have oxygen to hydrogen bonds making it similar to water?

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) does contain oxygen and hydrogen atoms, like water, but its molecular structure is different. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin with a different chemical composition and function than water. The molecular structure of vitamin C contains carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms but is not solely composed of oxygen and hydrogen.

Why is vitamin c soluble in water from its chemical structure?

Its polarity or hydrophilicity!

What is the molecular structure for vitamin C?

Is vitamin c similar structure with glucose?

No, not even remotely close.

Who is the inventor of vitamin c?

The discovery of vitamin C is credited to Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi, who isolated and identified ascorbic acid as the anti-scurvy factor in 1932.

Is organic vitamin c more effective than artificial vitamin c?

There is no significant difference in effectiveness between organic and artificial vitamin C. Both forms are chemically identical and provide the same benefits to the body. The most important factor is ensuring you meet your daily vitamin C requirements, regardless of the source.

Why is vitamin C lost when food is placed in boiling water?

Vitamin C is water-soluble, so it can leach out of food and into the boiling water. Exposure to high temperatures can also break down the structure of vitamin C molecules, leading to its degradation and loss.