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Q: Who are 2 Enlightenment thinkers who influenced the US government?
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What did the Enlightenment thinkers do for the US?

our government is based on thier ideas

What did the Founders use to develop the US Constitution?

Ideas from the Enlightenment thinkers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

How did the enlightenment thinkers change the us?

the united states government is based on their ideas

What was the most significant thing about the Enlightenment?

The European Enlightenment was most important for the ideas of government. New thinkers led the way for governments that were more responsive to the needs and rights of citizens. The writings of John Locke, for example greatly influenced the Framers of the US Constitution.

Which aspect of US government was most influenced by 18th century enlightenment philosophy?

separation of powers

Which aspect of the US government was most influenced by 18th century enlightenment philosophy?

lakeland sucks- blerint

The US Constitution was an effort to apply the human ability to reason to solve human problems of governance what philosophical school must have influenced the writers of the constitution?

The Enlightenment The Modern era and thinkers such as Bacon and Hobbes

Which enlightenment thinker influenced the US bill of rights?

The Bill of Rights was influenced by the enlightenment with its emphasis on natural rights. Based on the ideas of Locke, men are by nature free and equal and they are born with certain inalienable rights. The Anti Federalists sought the inclusion of the Bill of Rights to protect these rights.

What do France the US and Haiti all have in common?

Answer this question… Their revolutions were all influenced by the Enlightenment.

What did the enghtlightment thinkers do for the US?

Enlightenment thinkers influenced the founding principles of the United States, such as individual rights, democracy, and separation of powers. Their ideas, like those of John Locke and Montesquieu, helped shape the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Their emphasis on reason and progress also contributed to the development of the American Revolution and the formation of the new nation.

What describes a similarity between the magna carta and the US Constitution?

Both reflect ideals from Enlightenment thinkers.

What statement best illustrates the contradiction between Enlightenment values and government policies in the early US?

Enlightenment thinkers valued individual liberty, but the U.S government continued to allow slaves to be deprived of all liberty