

Best Answer

I don't think there is a word for aliens living on Earth. I think they would just be called aliens.m

2nd Answer:

I THINK your question was "What do aliens call Earth people?"

There is no evidence to suggest that aliens (other than those coming across the borders of Mexico and Canada) have visited Earth. That being so, it is impossible to know what term an alien would use for Earthlings. An alien's speech probably would be nothing like ours . . . it could be clicks, stomach rumblings, or perhaps not even use sound! :-)

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Q: Who are an alien term for people living on earth?
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You are an alien term for people living on earth?


What is alien term for people living on earth?

Since we don't know any alien language nor any aliens there is no answer to this question.

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What is the definition of an alien?

Probably not on Earth or near it (at least as we would recognize them) but chances are there are thousands of alien species on distant worlds in the universe. They could be as un-advanced as microbes, of as advanced as Star Trek, ether way, other beings exist elsewhere.

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Well, the answer was never really clear. I believe Aliens is not the right term for the subject Illegal Immigration. If somebody called you an alien you would get pretty mad I am sure. Alien is used for foreign people and illegal means violating the law. Well, maybe Alien is the right term I don't know! But, the answer is truly unclear and hidden deep beneath the realms of earth.

What is the alien term for people living on earth?

We are still not sure about the existence of aliens and we hardly have hardcore information about them. Since we can only imagine them i.e. their looks, language etc. , we can also try imagining more. We might be aliens for them just the way they are alien to us. In science fiction movies, there are different types and species of aliens and they have different looks and language. So the term for earthlings may differ everywhere.

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Extraterestrial life means living beings that are not from Earth. Another term for extraterestrial life is alien life form. The movie E.T. was about an extraterestrial, which was shortened to E.T. for his name.

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The Biosphere.

Why do people use the term alien when talking about immigrants?

The definition of alien is that which is foreign, unknown or strange. There have been many waves of legal immigrants to the US from Ireland, China, Germany, Britain, et cetera in earlier times with varying levels of acceptance by the established population. While the term alien was not used at the time...other terms were used to insure groups of people were viewed with a jaunticed eye. Alien is a much less inflammitory term than words like "chink" or "wop" or "paddy", (terms that single out individuals based on their ethinic origin) none the less there has been an attempt to soften the term illegal alien by using the term "undocumented worker". Undocumented workers, illegal aliens, illegal workers are all terms that indicate that the individuals involved are not present in a country with the knowledge or sanction of the government.

Anylife form anywhere else?

Alien, is the term used to refer to life which does not originate from Earth. Though no hard evidence has ever been found to confirm presence of any life form outside earth.

When did people start refering to UFO as an alien spaceship?

Since Roswell, NM in 1947 the term UFO really took off. On the basis that if it was not built by earthlings and couldn't be identified as a natural phenomina then it had to be alien.