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Their parents mostly the father.

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Q: Who are gay people most afraid of o tell they are gay?
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Do you think straight men are afraid of gay people?

A small percentage are afraid - or, at least, uncomfortable around them. Afraid they might be hit on. Afraid the guy is looking at them and thinking about what they might do to them. Some are afraid of guilt by association. If you are around a gay guy, you might be gay also. Rarely are any of these fears justified.

What is an active gay person?

they are gay people who are not afraid to be themselves.

Are most homophobic men worried that they will be placed in a lower status position if they associated with gay people?

Probably not. Most homophobes are either following a religious upbringing blindly, or they are just afraid of gay people.

What if your daughter is going out with a girl but says she is not gay?

She may not be gay and they are friends.She may be gay but is not ready to be open with you. Have you told her that gay people are wonderful and lovable?She may be gay but is afraid to tell you. Have you expressed any hostility towards gays in the past? You can change this.

Why do some people talk bad about gay people?

Most homophobia is religion-based. Other people are just afraid of change or of people who are different.

Why are gay people afraid to come out?

Mostly because they are afraid that they'll be made fun of and called names. Or, if their parents find out, that they would be disappointed that their kids didn't turn out as they wanted them to be. but parents should always love their kids so don't be afraid to tell them who you are. Anyways, off subject. Mainly their afraid. Unsure of how people will react.

Are you gay Justin Bieber just tell truth pleade?

i am gay i am afraid because i feel its the right thing to be

How do you get a gay guy off your back?

Tell him you want to do it face to face. Most people, Gay or not will accept the facts if you just tell them. Tell him you are not interested and to stop bothering you.

How can you tell if gay people hit on you?

if you can tell if a gay people arw hit on you if they say that you are hot aer if that jok with you that how you cna tell if a gay is hiting on you

Are you afraid of gay people?

NO, because gay people have the right to love who ever they want to and know one should judge them.

Why do most people want to be gay?

No, most people don't want to be gay. People who are gay are either happy, or not, with the way they are. People who are straight do not want to become gay. Anyway, it is not possible to seriously change from one to the other. Nobody can become gay, everyone is born knowing they are gay. Some people are too afraid to come out and accept that they're attracted to their gender, so those who "become gay" have always been gay, they just came out a little later than they should have.

Is Maury Povich gay?

Yes, he is totally gay. You can just tell. I'm gay and I can tell when other people are gay, and Maury is gay.