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Due to their sheer size and strength, adult Anaconda's have no natural enemies. No other animal in the rainforests is large enough to kill a full grown Anaconda. A Jaguar or a large Caiman may kill a small or adolescent Anaconda but an adult is ruled out as prey even for these predators. On the other hand, Anaconda's are known to kill even large Caiman's and Jaguars when they feel threatened.

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Q: Who are green anacondas enemy?
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Who is an anacondas enemy?

Large black caimans and jaguars prey on green anacondas.

What are anacondas enemy?

Adult anacondas are eaten by black caimans and jaguars.

What is the anacondas enemy?

People (mankind)

Does Green Anacondas live in the Amazon rain forest?

Yes green anacondas do live in the rain forest

What type of anacondas live in south America?

Giant Green anacondas

What are the condition for the green anacondas habitat?

Green anacondas live in south America you can check if u g0 on 2 winklepedia the free enclopeada 'green anacondas., they also wiegh ninty-five kilograms it says

How do anacondas bear their young?

The green anaconda reproduces young green anacondas in several numbers. The young anacondas are later sent off by themselves to hunt and find living.

Are green anacondas dangerous to humans yes or no?

Green anacondas are recorded to attack and kill/wound people in water and on land.

Are green anacondas protected?

nope there not

What are the condition of a green anacondas habitat?

Green anacondas live in streams, creeks, and rivers of south america. They need water to survive.

Do green anacondas protect their young?

No. As with all snakes baby anacondas are on their own from day one.

Do green anacondas lay eggs?

No. Anacondas, like most boas, give live birth.