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Marilyn Manson, Ozzy, Metallica, Wumpscut, etc.

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Q: Who are some of the satanists and luminaty in the music world?
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Related questions

Are Satanists a Hate group?

No, most Satanists are not hate groups. However, there are some sects that are.

Are Satanists and Luciferians part of the same tradition?

No. Satanists are atheists, Luciferians are split between some that are theistic and some that are not. THe non- theistic Luciferians share some but not all beliefs of Satanists.

Was king Solomon a satanist?

Yes, he was a satanist late in his life. Some ex-satanists testify that he was one of the greatest satanists of all time.

Are goths are kind of satanism?

Not generally; some are, and most of those that are are Theistic Satanists.

Are all goths satanists?

No, not all goths are Satanists. Some may be, but to say that 'Gothic' is associated with Satanism at all is a stereotype. It is a state of mind, not a clothing style, not a musical preference, and most definitely not a religion.

Do Satanists perform ceremonies naked?

Not all of their ceremonies are done in the nude, although some of them certainly are.

Do satanists celebrate valintines?

some of them, im guessing most of them. its not what your religion is due to what you celebrate, its how you were raised.

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Are the members of Black Sabbath devil worshippers?

No. There are very, very few rock bands that claim to be Satanists, and Black Sabbath is not one of them. Pretty much the only rock musicians who actually consider themselves Satanists belong to an obscure sub-genre of heavy metal known as Satanic metal. Practically any famous rock band you can think of does NOT worship the devil or have anything to do with Satanism. The idea that lots of rock bands are Satanists or devil worshippers is a total myth, created by ignorant people who don't know anything about rock music at all. Even Satanists do not worship the Devil. They do not worship any deity. They do not believe that God or Satan actually exist. And they do not sacrifice animals or children, either. Children and animals are considered the purest form of life, and thus are held sacred. I suggest you do some reading on both rock music and Satanism, and learn what these things are actually about, instead of listening to rumors spread by ignorant people.

Would the music of Nigeria be classified as in the World Music genre?

The music of Nigeria includes several kinds of Folk and popular music. Some of them are widely known, so it can be classified as in the World Music genre. Some popular examples are Femi Kuti, King Sunny Ad© and Prince Nico Mbarga.

What are some of the major categories of world music?

There are millions of different types of music in the world. Some of the most popular categories, or genres, are Metal, Rock, Pop, Hip Hop, Jazz, and Rap.