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'Brahman' is the one supreme, universal Spirit that is the origin and support of the phenomenal universe.

Also, there is a Trinity of God:

  1. Brahma - The creator.
  2. Vishnu - The preserver.
  3. Shiva - The destroyer.

There are many other deities who are believed to be the manifestation of Brahman. Few are listed below:

  • Saraswati - The god of knowledge and wife of Lord Brahma (not Brahman).
  • Lakshmi - The goddess of prosperity and wife of Lord Vishnu
  • Parwathi - The wife of Lord Shiva
  • Lord Rama - The ideal man and reincarnation of Lord Vishnu
  • Ganesha - The remover of obstacles and son of Lord Shiva
  • Hanuman - The god of courage
  • Gayatri - Also know as Veda Matha (Mother of Vedas)

The list goes can go on.

It is said that Hindus believe there are 33 million deities. In the Vedas, Thirty-three gods are listed. This is followed by the Sanskrit word 'Koti', which is used for "class" but can also be used for a number equal to 10 million. According to one view, some scholars misinterpreted the word 'Koti' - which is meant to mean "class", claiming that there are 33 million gods within Hinduism. Another view contends that 33 million is a figure symbolizing infinity, indicating infinite forms of God.


The teaching of Buddha that life is permeated with suffering caused by desire, that suffering ceases when desire ceases, and that enlightenment obtained through right conduct and wisdom and meditation releases one from desire and suffering and rebirth. Hence, Buddha is worshiped.

Correction: Buddha is NOT worship. Buddhists believe in no gods. We revere the Buddha for bringing us his teachings (The Dharma) but he was just a man.

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Q: Who are the God or Gods of Hinduisms and Buddhisms?
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The spelling gods is a plural (e.g. Greek gods), while god's or God's is a possessive (e.g. God's mercy).