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Q: Who are the bullies in the revealers?
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What are the major events that lead-up to the climax of the revealers?

In "The Revealers," the major events leading up to the climax involve the three main characters - Russell, Elliot, and Catalina - using their shared experience of being bullied to start a secret project where they anonymously expose the bullies at their school on a blog. As the blog gains popularity, tensions rise between the bullies and the rest of the student body. This leads to a confrontation during a school assembly where the bullies are exposed, causing a shift in the power dynamics among the students.

When was The Revealers created?

The Revealers was created in 2003.

How many pages are in the book Revealers?

Revealers is a book by Doug Wilhelm. It has 242 pages. It is a book about bullying.

Who wrote the book Revealers?

Amanda Marrone

How many pages are in the revealers?

207 pages

What is Bethany's last name in the revealers?


What are some strengths and weaknesses of Russell Elliot and catalina in the revealers?

strength- Russell: works together with his friends Elliot: caring towards his friends Catalina: doesn't let the bullies impact her weaknesses: Russell: cocky at times Elliot: lack of social skills Catalina: lack of confidence

What is catalina's last name in the revealers?

Her name is Catalina Aarons

What is the falling action the revealers by doug Wilhelm?

The falling action in the revealers are Elliot Catalina and Russell putting up stuff on kidnet to show the bully's to stop bullying and they put up posters

What are some strengths and weaknesses of Richie in the revealers?

Strenght that everyone is scared of him.

Was there bullies in 1750?

There have always been bullies. There will always be bullies.

Who are the characters in the revealers?

Russel (main character) Elliot (main character) Catalina (main character) Richie (bully) Jock Rots (supporting characters) Mrs. Capelli (principal) Ms. Hogeboom (teacher) Bethany (bully-ish person) all the parents (too many to tell) Allison (friend) and many other supporting characters