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Q: Who are the leaders who are struggling for democracy in Saudi Arabia?
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WHO ARE the main leaders of the Saudi Arabia democracy?

Saudi Arabia is not a democracy, it is a monarchy.

When did Saudi Arabia became democratic?

The Country is Ruled by the King..No Democracy, No Voting..It is KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA.

What is one thing that leaders of Saudi Arabia have not done with their oil?

The one thing that leaders of Saudi Arabia have not done with their oil revenues is to ensure good political structures to back up stability in Saudi Arabia.

What is Saudi Arabia's type of government democracy dictatorship or monarchy?

Saudi Arabia is one of the world's few remaining absolute monarchies.

What states is a dictatorship and not a democracy A. United States B. Saudi Arabia C. Britain D. Japan?

B. Saudi Arabia.

Why is Saudi Arabia not considered to be a democracy?

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. Voting only occurs for municipal offices. All state-level and national offices are directly appointed by the King of Saudi Arabia and his advisers (who are themselves appointed by the King). In order to be a democracy, you need elections for all or most principal offices of government; Saudi Arabia lacks this.

What is one thing that leaders of Saudi Arabia have not done with their oil revenues?

The one thing that leaders of Saudi Arabia have not done with their oil revenues is to ensure good political structures to back up stability in Saudi Arabia.

What countries are the leaders in producing petroleum?

Saudi Arabia for sure

Do government leaders in saudi arabia follow the rule of law?


How did Saudi Arabia gain it independence?

Saudi Arabia has never been "occupied" or "dependent", so the question is inapt. Saudi Arabia was created as a result of the Nejd-Hejaz War in 1924-1925 that resulted in the conquest of Hejaz by Nejd. The Nejdi leaders, the Saud family, declared the united polity to be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

What is Islamic government of Iran the parliamentary democracy of Israel and the monarchy government of Saudi Arabia?

The Islamic government of Iran, the parliamentary democracy of Israel and the monarchy government of Saudi Arabia are basic laws with no constitution. It is a law that limits the freedom for women.

Do the leaders of Saudi Arabia follow the same laws as its citizens?

Sometimes if you are powerful enough you can find a way around the law in any country in the world. It's not about Saudi Arabia.